My Quick Thoughts On The Pluto Files by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

51pla+z62TLI thoroughly enjoyed the Pluto Files which provides a detailed albeit dated* account of the events that lead to the demotion of Pluto in 2006.

In it, Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson recounts his part in what would eventually lead the International Astronomical Union (referred to as the IAU) to create a definition for a Planet which would lead to Pluto being reclassified as a “dwarf planet”; a controversial decision. Tyson also gives a brief history of Pluto’s discovery in the mid-20th century and it’s rise to fame in american culture.

*Readers should note however that the book was written before the New Horizons mission flew past Pluto last year during which it revealed new information on Pluto that contradicts some of the more technical aspects of the book.



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